
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Micro & Macro. Chapter 1 【Ten Principles of Economics】

1. Understanding opportunity cost
You work as an assistant coach on the university basketball team and earn $13 per hour. One day, you decide to skip the hour-long practice and, instead, go..

2. Determining opportunity cost
Juanita is deciding whether to buy a suit that she wants, as well as where to buy it. Three stores carry the same suit, but it is more convenient for Juanita..

3. A decision at the margin
Nick is a hard-working college junior. One Sunday, he decides to work nonstop until he has answered 250 practice problems for his physics cour..

4. Scarcity, opportunity cost, and marginal analysis
Dmitri is training for a triathlon, a timed race that combines swimming, biking, and running..

5. Distribution systems and incentives
Suppose that in the hypothetical country of Vanadia, picture frames are distributed to whoever is willing to pay the most..

6. The interaction of individual choices
People in the U.S. state of Iowa eat both corn and potatoes. It is technically possible for farmers to grow both corn and potatoes in Iowa..

7. Inflation and unemployment
Suppose that, in an attempt to combat severe unemployment, the government decides to increase the amount of money in circulation in the economy..


  1. Thank you Mr. Orange. You will get me through my econ this semester! I am going to donate to you when I get paid <3

  2. Thanks! I learn better by example!

  3. Thank you Mr. Orange, I know the material in the textbooks, but we didn't do a lot of calculations in class. This helped me verify a lot of mathematical problems.

  4. Mr. Orange is there the first ten chapters to the macro economics for cengage or is this just micro only? It seems there is only the last ten chapters to macro only but just was curious
    thanks for your time.

  5. Thank you so much for posting all of this stuff. You got me through microeconomics and now macroeconomics as well. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

  6. Y O U A R E A F U C K I N G B A D A S S ! ! ! !

  7. youre the best THANK YOUUU

  8. Thank you, I would donate if I could but I'm broke.

  9. Thank you orange 🍊 helped me a lot

  10. Thank you Mr.Orange, for not letting econ tie the noose for me!

  11. You're awesome. Thank you so much.

  12. You are still appreciated, thank you
