
Monday, September 2, 2013

US History - Out of Many Ch 2

One of the key stimulants to the Protestant Reformation was
The idea that one could not earn one's way to heaven by good works.

The Spanish discovery of large quantities of silver in the Americas
Led to lower standards of living for many Europeans.

The early fur trade between Indians and Europeans in the northern woodlands
Revealed that both made discoveries and modified their behavior to benefit fully.

For most Europeans, life in the late Middle Ages might best be described as
Disconnected socially and politically but united by a universal church.

The most important reason for Cortés's defeat of the Aztecs was his ability to form alliances with Indians who had been oppressed by
The Aztecs

The most obvious effect in Europe of the Spanish conquests in the New World was the
Increase in silver coin causing inflation.

The Roanoke Colony became known as the "Lost Colony" because
relief ships that brought supplies could find no trace of the colonists.

The reasons for Cortés's defeat of the Aztecs included all of the following EXCEPT
The lack of a strong military tradition among the Aztecs.

The interaction between Europe and the Americas after 1492 shows that
Both the Indians and the Europeans had products of value and civilizations of note.

In the late Middle Ages, Europeans
Were mostly peasants living under feudal lords.

The advances made during the Renaissance
Reveal that Europeans were adaptors rather than creators.

Columbus's diary reveals that when he first encountered the Taínos, he found them
To be friendly, guileless, and easily manipulated.

The largest number of European voyages across the North Atlantic in the early 1500s were
Expeditions to fish off Newfoundland's Grand Banks.

Bartolomé de las Casas
Denounced Spanish cruelty toward Indians because all people are human beings.

Toward the end of the Middle Ages, the clearest indicators of coming change were
The emergence of a new merchant class and more powerful monarchs.

The voyages of discovery sent out by Prince Henry the Navigator were made possible by all of the following EXCEPT
The rise of the Ottoman Turks who stopped voyages to the East.

The first European nation to support overseas voyages of exploration and colonization

Columbus's voyages show that he and his sponsors mainly
Wanted riches and powerland, gold, spices, trade, laborers.

The Spaniards explored the present-day United States looking for cities of great wealth based on
Stories that appeared to be descriptions of Mississippian chiefdoms.

The Spanish invaded one Caribbean island after another and then the mainland principally because they
Wanted to find gold.

The new monarchies were important for all the following reasons EXCEPT
They used up the capital intended for trade with unnecessary government spending.

Hernán de Soto
Introduced diseases, which destabilized the chiefdoms of the South.

The correct chronological order of the following events is
Henry VIII breaks with Rome, Las Casas's Destruction of the Indies is published, Gilbert fights the "Wild Irish," England defeats the Spanish Armada.

The map of Western Europe shows that the leaders in exploration were those countries with a geographic position pointing them toward
The West.

Of the discoveries Columbus made in 1492, the most important in the long run was
The clockwise circulation of Atlantic winds and currents.

The map of the European explorations shows that the two most extensive penetrations were by
Coronado and de Soto.

Coronado's expedition
Conquered the pueblos of the Southwest and turned back.

In terms of Spanish objectives, the most successful of the following expeditions was that of

The Algonquian people reacted to the Roanoke Colony in all of the following ways EXCEPT
Cruelly when the colonists sought shelter at Croatoan.

An important consequence of Coronado's failure to find the fabled gold cities of Cibolo was
the Spanish abandonment of interest in the Southwest for half a century.

St. Augustine and Fort Caroline represent a collision of these two forces in Florida:
French and Spanish

One hundred years after Columbus, the largest number of new immigrants to the Americas were
Spanish and African.

What was "new" in the monarchies of fourteenth and fifteenth century Europe was their
growing political unity and alliance with merchants.

Which of the following was NOT an important figure in the history of the Reformation?
Christopher Columbus

Which one of the following was NOT a reason that the Spanish monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand were more receptive to Columbus' idea of sailing west?
their academy at Sagres Point

The Renaissance was based in the belief that
human potential is important and should be celebrated.

Which one of the following was NOT a reason that Spanish monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand were more willing than other monarchs to buy Columbus's plan?
They had a vision of establishing colonial communities.

An important factor in Columbus' decision to exploit the Taino Indians was
his belief that they could lead him to sources of gold.

Which one of the following did NOT contribute to economic growth of Western Europe prior to the fifteenth century?
the unity of the feudal land system

By establishing a "frontier of inclusion," the Spanish developed communities
of large mixed-ancestry groups.

Which one of the following was NOT a way Europeans benefited from contact with Asia?
iron plow

Among the MOST important contributions that the Spanish made to the New World in the continental exchange was/were
domesticated animals and livestock

A primary cause of the tripling of Western Europe's population between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries was
greatly increased agricultural productivity and the increased food supply that resulted.

Which one of the following explains the majority of decline in the Indian population in the Americas?
new diseases

Among the "new" items that the Spanish first brought back to the Europeans after contact with the native peoples in the New World was/were
vanilla and chocolate

A principal cause of the Spanish success in conquering the Aztecs in the early sixteenth century was
the Spaniards' ability to take advantage of native peoples' hostility to Aztec rule.

One hundred years after Columbus' first voyage to the "New World," the largest empire in the Americas was
Spanish and African.

Cartier was to the French and _________ as Cabot was to the English and ______.
St. Lawrence/Labrador

The Spanish monopoly of the New World was broken with the
English defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

England's first ventures into the New World were motivated by
animosity toward Spain.

Which one of the following was the LEAST important reason for the population decline that occurred in native populations in the wake of the Spanish conquest?

Which one of the following is NOT true of the effects of French trade on Indian communities in the St. Lawrence Valley?
fur trading favored Indians

In De Soto's exploration of the South in North America, he failed to find another Aztec empire. The peoples he did find were from this culture:

The most important legacy of the Roanoke expedition was
written accounts of the area and Indian peoples there.

Which one of the following was NOT an epidemic disease that destroyed Indian populations?

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