
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

US History - Out of Many Ch 11

Southern planters generally opposed tariffs for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
They believed tariffs would prevent westward expansion.

The election of 1824 became controversial for all of the following reasons EXCEPT 
It was clear Adams and Clay had abused the system.

One of the easiest ways to mobilize new voters during this period was for politicians to arouse their anger towards
Rhe monied aristocracy.

The map of the population trend in westward expansion shows that in 1830
The central areas of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee had populations comparable to the East.

The tendency to reform society in Jacksonian America can be seen in all of the following cultural productions EXCEPT
The biography of Washington by Parson Weems.

The individual who best appealed to the new democratic spirit of the age was
Andrew Jackson

Of the following politicians, the man who became known as the great advocate for the West was 
Henry Clay.

The correct chronological order of the following events is 
Dartmouth College v. Woodward, Indian Removal Act, Nullification Crisis, Specie Circular.

The Whig Party and a second two-party system developed 
In opposition to Jackson's acts based on claims of greater presidential power.

The Second Bank of the United States became a divisive political issue because 
Jackson portrayed the Bank as the enemy of the people and a tool of the elite.

The removal of the Indians to west of the Mississippi 
Revealed how harsh majority rule could be.

Southerners were particularly angry about the Tariff of Abominations in 1828 because 
It was used as a means of gaining support for Jackson in the presidential race.

The Eaton Affair 
Showed how Jackson treated disagreements as personal attacks.

The Panic of 1837 
Was partly the result of Jackson killing the Second Bank of the United States and then issuing the Specie Circular.

In cases such as Gibbons v. Ogden, the Marshall Court 
Used the principle that the forces of supply and demand should determine outcomes.

In the election of 1828, 
The Democrats won by gaining support in the North, South, and West.

The presidential candidates in 1824 included all of the following EXCEPT 
Andrew Johnson.

Jackson made the Bank of the United States' death certain when 
He transferred the government's deposits to "pet banks."

Calhoun supported the doctrine of nullification because 
He saw it as a way to protect the rights of minorities.

The issue of the 1820s and 1830s which came to represent the conflicting interests of the sections most was 
The protective tariff.

After Harrison died, the Virginian John Tyler took over and 
Virtually reversed the election by his policies.

Before 1865, free African American men 
Could vote in five New England states.

The purpose of Henry Clay's American System was to 
Enable the development of the West and a national market.

Universal manhood suffrage 
Is associated with Kentucky.

The new popular democratic culture of the 1820s and 1830s
Favored candidates with name recognition and a popular image.

According to Van Buren, Jackson's agenda included all of the following EXCEPT
Upholding the protective tariff.

Andrew Jackson was elected in 1828 based on all of the following EXCEPT
His political experience and thoughtful positions on the issues.

After the veto of the Maysville Road Bill, internal improvements such as roads and canals were built 
Mostly with funding from state and local governments.

Developments contributing to the expansion of the right to vote in the United States included all of the following EXCEPT
The constitutions and established political leadership of the original thirteen states.

The factors contributing to instability in Mexico in its early years included all of the following EXCEPT
A constitution which made the political leader an emperor.

The Whigs favored all of the following EXCEPT
Freedom from powerful financial institutions.

The central political question in Mexico after 1821 was
Would it set policy according to more democratic principles?

The 1820s and 1830s, famous for expanding democratic practices and opportunities for the "common man,"
Acted contrary to its reputation concerning women and blacks.

The Cherokee seemed to prove by 1830 that they had assimilated fairly thoroughly, as official United States policy recommended, in all of the following ways EXCEPT
They favored westward movement.

The new political party of the 1830s called itself the Whig Party because
That was the name of those opposed to royal absolutism in England.

Democrats, after Jackson, identified with all of the following EXCEPT   
Active government support for economic growth.  

The culture of Jacksonian America of the common man in a hurry to get ahead is caught in all of the following except
The neoclassical style of architecture.

The map of the election of 1840 shows that 
Harrison divided the South with Van Buren.

The Whigs won the presidency in 1840 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT 
Van Buren, the Democrat, was an elitist.


Demands for rights for all in the nineteenth century led to resistance and set-backs in all of the following ways EXCEPT   
Caribbean slave rebellions followed by emancipation and economic collapse.
Political instability and dictatorship in Mexico.  
The abolishment of local government in Lower Canada.
The breakdown of democracy leading to Civil War in the United States. This is wrong


  1. The map of southern Indian cessions and removals shows that under the treaties of the 1830s
    Answers:The Trail of Tears went through Nashville and Missouri

  2. The map of the election of 1824 shows that
    Answer:Jackson had the greatest support outside his region.


  3. In 1827, the British-born shoemaker William Heighton urged his fellow workers in Philadelphia to band together under the banner of
    Answer:"equal rights"

  4. Henry Clay's American System included all of the following proposals EXCEPT
    Answer: A national observatory

  5. Demands for rights for all in the nineteenth century led to resistance and set-backs in all of the following ways EXCEPT

    Correct Caribbean slave rebellions followed by emancipation and economic collapse.

  6. Henry Clay's American System included all of the following proposals EXCEPT
    Answer: A national observatory.
