
Monday, August 5, 2013

Abnormal Psychology Chapter 5

The individual most directly responsible for the process of classical education is
Ivan Pavlov

Vinny’s professor always says “Here we go!” before administering an exam. For some reason now, Vinny becomes nervous every time he hears someone say, “Here we go!” In this example of classical conditioning, which is the conditioned stimulus?
hearing the phrase “Here we go!”

Twenty two year old Sofia drank too much vodka and cranberry juice one evening and became very ill/ Now, anytime Sofia tastes cranberry, she feels very ill. Based on classical conditioning, ______ is the unconditioned stimulus whereas ________ is the conditioned stimulus.
too much vodka; cranberry juice

The weakening and eventual disappearance of a conditioned response that is caused by a repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus is called

Jerry bought a dog to serve as a watchdog. He teaches it to bark when the doorbell rings. However, the dog also barks at the telephone or a doorbell ring on television. Which process explains these additional responses?

John B. Watson’s work with Little Albert was significant because it demonstrated
a conditioned fear response

Janie once ate fish at a restaurant and later felt ill. Now the very smell of cooked fish makes her nauseous. What has Janie experienced.
a taste generalization

Bill completes his drug rehabilitation program. His counselors strongly urges him to avoid going to places where he used to use drugs. His counselor says this is so:
Bill doesn’t come into contact with stimuli previously associated with drug use

Thorndike’s experiment using the cat that had to learn to escape the puzzle box for food illustrated which behavioral law:
law of effect

_____ are the major concepts of operant conditioning, a type of learning devised by ______.
Stimulus and reinforcement, Skinner

The process of shaping a response involves reinforcing each of a series of steps that becomes increasingly more similar to the desired response. This is called:
successive approximations

What causes extinction in operant conditioning?
withholding reinforcement

Cindy cries for candy when in the store with her mother. Her mother, wanting Cindy to be quiet, gets her candy, at which point Cindy becomes silent. The next time they go to the store the process repeats itself. Which of the following best describes what has happened?
Cindy’s behavior is positively reinforced, and her mother's behavior is positively reinforced.

Positive reinforcement ______ the likelihood of a behavior happening again; negative reinforcement ______ the likelihood of a behavior happening again.
increases; decreases

Which of the following is the best example of a primary reinforcer?

A professor gives his class a quiz each Monday. Consequently, students do not study much during the week, but “cram” throughout the weekend to earn a good grade. Their behavior best corresponds to which schedule of reinforcement?
fixed interval

When Billy misbehaves, his parents make sure to apply punishment immediately and consistently and to use the harshest possible punishment so that Billy will “get the message.” According to research, which of the following is a recommendation you might have to help make their use of punishment be more effective?
make punishment less severe

Seligman’s experiments with dogs that did not escape the shock administered, even when they could have, demonstrates which principle?
learned helplessness

Carrie is trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle. She struggles with it for some time until she suddenly sees how the pieces fit together. Which type  of learning is Carrie exhibiting?
insight learning

Carl learned how to change a flat tire by watching his mother do so. She would change a tire and then have him show her each steps as well. Which type of learning does this demonstrate?
observational learning

Memorizing a phone number long enough to dial it, and then forgetting it, fits the text definition of learning.

Classical conditioning takes place most readily when the unconditioned stimulus occurs just before the conditioned stimulus.

John B. Watson was one of the researchers who demonstrated that fear could be conditioned in humans.

Rescorla’s cognitive view of classical conditioning suggests that the repeated pairing of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is the critical element for conditioning to occur.

The “operant” in operant conditioning refers to voluntary behavior.

Negative reinforcement is designed to have the same outcome as a punishment

According to Skinner, punishment can suppress behavior but not extinguish it.

Biofeedback can be used to train individuals to control internal responses such as heart rate and anxiety tension states.

Behavior modification programs require a therapist to administer them.

The process of latent learning depends on reinforcement taking place.

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