
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Introduction to Health - Fit and Well 9

Muscle dysmorphia is characterized by
distorted body image, in which individuals that see themselves as small and out of shape despite being muscular.

A person's ongoing internal comments and discussion is called

Americans today _____ compared with Americans of 100 years ago.
consume fewer complex carbohydrates

Resting metabolic rate is
the energy required to maintain vital body functions.

A history of weight loss reduces metabolic rate.

Adverse effects of ephedra include all of the following EXCEPT

Which of the following groups is more likely to consume excess calories throughout the day?
those who skip breakfast

The drug used to facilitate weight loss by blocking fat absorption is

Women usually have higher metabolic rates than men.

Which one of the following is the largest component of metabolism?
resting metabolism

Which of the following foods is a good source of complex carbohydrates?

Over the past 100 years, daily energy expenditure among Americans has decreased by about _____ calories.

On average, Americans spend more than ten times more time watching television each day than they do exercising.

According to the National Institutes of Health, about ________ of American adults are overweight.

Disturbed eating patterns can develop when food is used to regulate emotions.

Which of the following patterns of eating is best for weight management?
three planned meals per day plus planned snacks

If you are trying to maintain weight loss, authorities recommend at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.

The fiber in diet pills
acts as a bulking agent in the large intestine and not in the stomach.

People with body dysmorphic disorder
are at increased risk for depression and suicide.

How much daily physical activity is recommended for someone who is trying to maintain weight loss?
60 or more minutes

Weight loss of _______ of body weight is enough to reduce health risks and increase life expectancy in obese individuals.

People who eat out usually consume more calories than people who eat at home.

Individuals who increase their fat-free mass increase their metabolic rate.

To lose one pound of weight per week, a daily negative energy balance of ________ calories is needed.

After several weeks of a program of moderate weight loss, mostly _____ is being lost.

Prescription drugs that treat obesity
produce modest weight loss.

An eating disorder characterized by a refusal to eat enough food to maintain a minimally normal body weight is
anorexia nervosa.

The primary role of resistance training in weight management is to
build muscle mass.

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by
alternating binge eating and purging through vomiting, laxatives, or diuretics.

Unrefined complex carbohydrates
promote feelings of satiety.

The greater the amount of muscle mass, the
higher the resting metabolic rate.

Which of the following statements about genetic factors in obesity is true?
Genetic factors influence where on the body extra weight is added.

A hormone thought to be linked to obesity is

A negative energy balance of _______calories is needed to produce a one pound weight loss.

Fat substitutes
can be carbohydrate or protein based.

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