
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Introduction to Health - Fit and Well 14

A single-celled organism that thrives in warm, moist conditions is a description of
Trichomonas vaginalis.

Worldwide, the most common route of HIV infection is
heterosexual contact.

Herpes is best defined as a
common viral infection characterized by recurrent outbreaks of blisterlike sores.

A chancre is an indication of

The time between the initial HIV infection and the onset of major disease symptoms in an untreated person is usually

Needlesharing among drug users often leads to HIV transmission because
needles may be contaminated with blood that contains HIV.

The most common method of HIV transmission is
having unprotected sex.

Which one of the following statements about condom use is TRUE?
It's important to remove air bubbles from the reservoir tip before using a condom.

Which of the following STDs is caused by a virus?
genital warts

Genital HPV infection is best defined as a
sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus and characterized by the appearance of dry, rough growths on the genital area of men and women.

Syphilis is best defined as
a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum.

Which of the following statements about hepatitis B is FALSE?
There is a cure for the infection.

The major viral STDs are not curable with current therapies.

HIV can live on toilet seats and eating utensils.

Dementia, cardiovascular damage, blindness, and death are possible complications of
tertiary syphilis.

Which one of the following statements about gonorrhea is true?
Most women with gonorrhea have no symptoms.

Vertical transmission of HIV refers to _____ transmission.

Previous infection with a bacterial STD confers immunity, so once a person has had chlamydia or gonorrhea, she or he can't be reinfected.

Genital warts are difficult to treat effectively because
available treatments do not eradicate the virus.

The most reported bacterial STD is

Which one of the following statements about HIV infection is TRUE?
It is preventable.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when healthy bacteria that normally inhabit the vagina
are displaced by unhealthy species.

HIV can survive
in blood.

The organism that causes genital warts is

Which of the following STDs is curable with current therapies?

A common complication of gonorrhea and chlamydia is
pelvic inflammatory disease.

HIV attacks the
immune system.

Which one of the following is linked to cervical cancer?
genital HPV infection

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is best defined as
an infection that progresses from the vagina and cervix to infect the oviducts and pelvic cavity.

Jaundice is a symptom of
hepatitis B.

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