
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Introduction to Health - Fit and Well 10

Which of the following is a characteristic of depression?
loss of pleasure in usual activities

Homeostasis is defined as a state in which
vital functions of the body are maintained at a normal level.

Which term best fits a Type A personality?

Your body begins releasing endorphins, your heart rate accelerates, and your hearing and vision become more acute. You are experiencing
the fight-or-flight reaction.

Which of the following best describes the endocrine system?
affects body functions through the release of hormones

The sympathetic division is best defined as
a division of the autonomic nervous system that reacts to danger or other challenges by almost instantly putting the body processes in high gear.

Which one of the following characteristics is most closely associated with elevated risk of cardiovascular disease?

Which of the following is an example of an effective response to stress?
learning new skills

Which of the following statements is an example of negative self-talk?
"I won the speech contest, but only because none of the other speakers was very good."

The parasympathetic division is best defined as
a division of the autonomic nervous system that moderates the excitatory effect of the sympathetic system, slowing metabolism and restoring energy supplies.

Stress may increase risk for cardiovascular disease by increasing
blood pressure.

Which of the following is recommended by your text as a time-management strategy?
Schedule tasks for peak efficiency.

The term stress response is best defined as
the physical and emotional changes associated with stress.

The normal progression for the general adaptation syndrome is
alarm, resistance, exhaustion.

Which of the following is NOT recommended by your text as a time-management strategy?
Try doing things yourself rather than delegating.

Stress is best defined as
the general physical and emotional state associated with the stress response.

The term stressor is best defined as
any physical or psychological event that produces stress.

The long-term wear and tear of the stress response has been termed
allostatic load.

Which statement about people with hardy personalities is FALSE?
They have a strong external locus of control.

Hans Selye theorized that stress
can be either eustress or distress.

Which of the following describes a person with a Type B personality?

The relaxation technique that asks the person to identify all the perceptible qualities of a relaxing environment is

Progressive relaxation is best described as
an activity alternating muscle tension and relaxation.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for heading off explosive anger?
having a drink

Making the choice to go for a walk to cope with stress is controlled by which of the following nervous systems?

Stress can be the result of
all of the choices are correct.

Individuals who have trouble expressing their anger might benefit from
assertiveness training.

All of the following increase during the fight-or-flight reaction EXCEPT

The somatic nervous system manages
conscious actions.

A person who has difficulty expressing emotions, suppresses anger, and feels hopeless has characteristics of which personality type?
Type C

A new level of homeostasis occurs during the ________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

Psychoneuroimmunology is an interaction of
the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.

The fight-or-flight response occurs during the stage of the general adaptation syndrome known as

A good nutritional strategy for coping with stress is to
limit caffeine intake.

According to Selye, eustress
is stress triggered by a pleasant event.

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