
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Human Sexuality - Sex Research Methods and Problems

Most of our scientific information about human sexuality has been obtained by

A major advantage of the experimental method is
control over variables that influence the behavior being studied.

Which of the following statements regarding Kinsey's research is false?
All of the respondents were married and age 30 or older.

The survey method
can be done with the use of technology such as computers.

The fact that the majority of participants in sex research have been white, middle-class volunteers illustrates the problem of
demographic bias.

If you wanted information on how men and women respond physiologically during sexual arousal and orgasm, your best source of information would be
Masters and Johnson.

Which one is most true?
In spite of the vast amount of knowledge sexologists have learned, many questions about human sexual behavior remain unanswered.

Kinsey and his associates obtained their data by means of
survey interviews.

One advantage of the case study method is that
in-depth, highly subjective information about the subjects can be obtained.

A science writer hears of a 35 year old male who lost his penis at circumcision. He interviews all family members, reads medical records, and writes a book about this. This is most likely an example of which of the following?
the case study

One of the problems with sex survey research is______, or the refusal to participate in a study.

Which research method would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward sex education in the schools?
the survey

Which of the following is an advantage of using interviews instead of questionnaires?
They provide opportunities for flexibility.

Kinsey's studies on American sexuality were pioneering but limited, because his sample included
a disproportionate number of better educated persons.

Surveys administered over the Internet may be especially useful because
participants can be recruited from distant places.

Which of the following statements regarding case studies is false?
Masters and Johnson's research is an example of the case study method.

Which of the following stimulus situations was NOT used in Masters and Johnson's research?
oral-genital stimulation

In which type of research is a representative sample of people asked to answer questions about their sexual attitudes or behaviors?

A vaginal photoplethysmograph
measures increased vaginal lubrication.

The penile strain gauge and the vaginal photoplethysmograph both measure
blood flow/volume to the genitals.

Which of the following statements regarding Masters and Johnson's research is true?
Their final sample population consisted primarily of individuals with above average intelligence from an academic community.

Bob Crooks is currently involved in the implementation of an HIV/AIDS education project in Kenya. Which research method is he using to measure the impact of this education program?

The case study is a research method in which
individuals are studied in great detail.

______conducted the first extensive survey of American sexual behaviors.

The book Human Sexual Response was written by
Masters and Johnson.

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