
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Legato Learning - Introduction to Music Exam #2

Who was the music director at St. Marks Cathedral in Venice?
Monteverdi and Gabrieli

What is the order of the five sung prayers of the mass ordinary?
Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei

In the early 600’s, who gave the order for music to be codified?
Pope Gregory

A dramatic work for chorus, solo voices, and orchestra.

Who composed Ordo virtutum?

Who is considered to be the most influential composer of the Renaissance?

Which years does the Baroque Period roughly span?

A piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love.

The Pope Marcellus Mass saved polyphony for the Roman Catholic Church.

Sonata pian’e forte is a vocal composition using soft and loud dynamics that many believe is the first composition to indicate dynamic markings.

In most sacred music of the period, what language was the text in?

Wachet auf by J.S. Bach is an example of what type of composition?

One of the first writings, concerning music, comes to us from the Greek philosopher Plato who wrote that he considered music an essential part of the education of all citizens.

Which of the following are examples of the earliest musical instrument(s)?
All of these instruments

Monophonic, unaccompanied melodies sung in Latin by a single voice or by a choir of priests or monks in unison is known as:
Gregorian Chant

The Council of Trent marked the beginning of a hundred-year movement known as the?

A group of scholars and musicians who sought to recapture the spirit of Greek drama by writing melodies for the actors to sing as they played dramatic roles.

A popular dance in France and Italy from the twelfth through fourteenth centuries.

Renaissance is a French term that means what?

The earliest polyphonic textured compositions were called    see options below   and date from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries.
Organa or Organum

What type of music is the following listening example?
Quiz 2, Example 1.mp3
Gregorian Chant

Copy of Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 2, Example 2.mp3

What type of music is the following listening example?
Quiz 2, example 3.mp3

Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 2, example 4.mp3

Who composed the following listening example?
Quiz 2, example 5.mp3

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